Sunday, December 2, 2007

Trip to California - Day 4

What a day!

Many more pictures on my gallery than I can post here and do it justice, but!

I was up and out of Westley by 8:00am ... I just couldn't take the flies any longer than that. For some reason the GPS routed me up via some backroads rather than the Interstate, which ended up being a pretty nice route on some good 2-laners, and I don't think I lost any more time than had I stuck to the slab.

I ended up getting to Richard's house right around 10:00. After catching up with Richard, being introduced to Torrey, and getting a couple cups of coffee, we were ready to get in some riding. Jacqueline came over to join us, and around noon we headed off to Sausalito. The plan was to meet up with another GT rider and head out, but after a bit of hit and miss with the cell phone, we decided to grab a quick lunch and head off for Highway 1 on our own.

With food out of the way, we headed off.

Coincidentally, we ended up running into the other GT rider about half way through our ride, and continued on as a larger group.

From there, we headed up to Point Reyes for another coffee stop. Since the sun was starting to drop, we decided to run just a little further north, then catch a route across over to the 101 to return back down to Benicia. Not having my GPS track in front of me, I believe we headed up to Tomales, then over to Petaluna where we picked up the 101 and headed south.


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